Friday, March 22, 2019

Reading Right Now - The Mama Natural Week -by-Week Guide to Pregnancy & Childbirth

I'm a reader.  I always have been.   I am constantly reading and/or listening to at least 2 if not 3 or 4 different books at a time.   I love audio books in the car or when I am working on numbers things that require no language skills at work.  I have some sort of personal or professional development book going at all times and usually a trashy romance or other chick-lit fiction book on my night stand.  
Since I love to read so much I thought it would be fun to start sharing my eccentric love of books with you. While most of the posts will probably be incomplete reviews (if I'm currently reading it I can exactly give my full opinion can I) I am sure there will be a few throw backs to old favorites from time to time, in which case I promise to let you know how long it has been since I actually read the book.  

So what am I reading right now?   

It shouldn't be a surprise that I"m currently reading a lot of pregnancy & childbirth books, but since I always have multiple books going at a time I promise to rotate between pregnancy books and books not at all related to pregnancy until I enter the next season in my life.  

The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth
by Genevieve Howland
I'm a little over halfway through this pregnancy and therefore a little over halfway through this book (funny how that happens right?) I love how Genevive Howland lays out pregnancy week by week and gives me a good idea of what I can expect to happen next.  She also shares amazing resources that really speak to my hippie crunchy soul.  My favorite thing about this book is how the author always gives the "natural" options first but she also talks about the more traditional modern medicine approach in a way that shows respect and that isn't at all bashing those women who choose not to go the natural route and that makes those who may have to have unplanned interventions comfortable with the process a hopefully keep them from feeling mom guilt that things aren't being done the way they may have originally planned. 

What are you reading?   What was your favorite pregnancy book? 

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