Monday, March 18, 2019

Pregnancy number 1

So to pick up where I left off on Wednesday, as before you can get the long version by visiting THIS POST
When my husband returned from deployment in November of 2013 we expected to take a few months and then we would be on our way to parenthood, only unlike 2011, this time we were right.  In late February of 2014 we bought our house and in March we found out I was pregnant (the two events MIGHT have been related 😏).
At 8 weeks I had some minor bleeding and ended up in the ER, everything was ok at that point and I had a follow up with a ob/gyn scheduled for later that week where the doctor did a dating ultrasound and said the baby had a strong heart beat so we assumed everything was ok, unfortunately that was not the case.  About a week later I started bleeding again, only this time I knew it was different.  I was in so much pain I felt like I was going to die and there was so much blood I had no doubt that I had lost my precious child. 
My husband took me to the ER where they confirmed what I already knew.  And thus began our even longer journey to where we are now. 

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PCS Updates

 Wow I can't believe it's been almost 3 months! SO much has happened and I honestly feel like I've barely had a chance to breath...