Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Let's do this

As promised - time to start at the beginning of my journey to become a mom, and because biology, that really begins when I was a baby myself but we are going to fast forward a bit to when I was in high school and first put on birth control. 
For the full story check out THIS POST but here is the abbreviated version.

From the time I was 16 until I was 26 I took a pill every morning that kept my cycle in control, regulated my hormones, and suppressed any symptoms that there might have been something actually wrong with my reproductive system. 

When my husband and I decided it was time to start a family I went off of birth control and we naturally assumed that in a few months I would be pregnant.  On December 27, 2011 I took my last birth control pill, and chaos ensued.

After some interesting issues I had surgery in May of 2013 to remove a polyp from my uterus.  My husband deployed for the first time shortly before the surgery and I was scared to death.  Luckily my mom is amazing and faced her fear (and discovered her love) of flying to come be with me and help me recover in case anything went wrong.  The surgery was successful and my body decided to act like normal once the polyp was removed - which was an amazing miracle.  I was cleared by the doctors to go back to trying to have a baby as soon as my husband returned from deployment and so when he got home in November of 2013 that's exactly what we started to do.  

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PCS Updates

 Wow I can't believe it's been almost 3 months! SO much has happened and I honestly feel like I've barely had a chance to breath...