Monday, March 11, 2019

Being healthy makes all the difference

I never hid my infertility struggles from my blog, but I didn't always do a great job of openly sharing them either.  In fact when I decided to take some time to really embrace the journey and wanted to document what I was going through my gut reaction was to start a blog separate from this one because I felt like that content didn't belong on my "Navy Wife" blog.  But now that I think about it I was really just not in a good place and not accepting of the journey I was going through.  Yes, I am a Navy Wife and when I first started Modern Meets Traditional the purpose was to meet other women who had experience with the military lifestyle and could help me figure out what to expect.  But in reality this blog is just my life and my journey written down for the world to see.  So last week when I decided to go live with my pregnancy announcement on the blog I also decided that I should migrate my infertility struggle over to this blog where it really belongs, because it is part of my life and part of what has made me who I am. 

What is the purpose of this drawn out essay?  Well it is simple.  I want to make sure that you, my dear loyal, too lazy to unsubscribe from a presumably dead blog readers understand everything that has really happened over the past two (ok three, ok seven) years.  Which means there will probably be lots of reminiscing and revisiting old blog posts over the next couple of  months, but I don't apologize for that because these memories are what have made me who I am today. 

So later this week we will start at the beginning.  Hope you are ready because it's been one hell of a ride. 

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