Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Inappropriate conversations at work

Wow, just wow.  Why do post-menopausal women think they have a free pass to say whatever they want about other women, especially about the status of their uterus?
A few years ago I had two coworkers who were pregnant at the same time, and a coworker kept asking me when I was going to have a baby.  I was fairly new to the office so I laughed it off and said "someday."
Then about two years ago my boss's wife was pregnant and the questions started again.  This time she made the comment on a day when I was having a rough time on my fertility journey and dealing with an unsuccessful IUI attempt.  So I snapped.  I told the lady the status of my uterus was no of her business and if she didn't stop asking I would be happy to file a complaint with HR.   She got huffy and proceeded not to speak to me for about 6 months (which didn't hurt my feelings at all!).
Now that I'm pregnant she keeps stopping at my desk and asking questions about my pregnancy.  Thankfully she hasn't gone as far as to touch my belly but so far she has:
-Asked me about my appetite
-Commented that I haven't gained enough weight
-Commented on how much weight I've gained
-Asked about my mood swings
and best of all
-Said "Oh you're finally getting boobs!" as my (male) boss was walking around the corner.  Thankfully I don't think he heard but talk about embarrassing.

What would you do?  If you have had kids what were some of the craziest things people said to you?

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PCS Updates

 Wow I can't believe it's been almost 3 months! SO much has happened and I honestly feel like I've barely had a chance to breath...