Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Essential Oils and Pregnancy

I love essential oils.   As someone who is allergic to many manufactured scents I appreciate being able to make my home smell good without worrying about the impact on my lungs.  Now I am also allergic to things like pollen and pet dander so I am not 100% immune to all essential oils but in general I don't have to worry about diffusing something if I think it smells good.

Personally essential oils for me have primarily served the purpose of "they smell good"up until now.  I know that different oils have different effects and understand the basics of aromatherapy so I make sure to diffuse oils that are calming at night time and more energizing during the day but overall I have kind of ignored the true benefits of essential oils beyond "they smell good" until now. 

(OK, that's not 100% true I began to clean with Young Living Thieves Cleaner (we even use it in our hot tub instead of chemicals) about 2 years ago and have been a true believer in the healing properties and lice preventing properties of tea tree oil for many many years.) 

Now that I am pregnant I'm concerned about the safety of pretty much everything, and beyond that I want to take advantage of anything that is available to help keep my pregnancy symptoms at bay or help during delivery and with healing.  So I am delving deeper into the world of essential oils.   Learning all I can to make sure that I am making safe, informed choices about what is best of me and my baby.   

So far this is what I know:
1-Purity of the oil matters.  
A couple of years ago when I started using oils to smell good I knew I wanted to buy oils that were of a high quality because of my allergies.  I researched all of the major brands and determined that Young Living Oils were the best option for me.  There was another company I actually liked better but at the time they had a very limited selection and I had a handful of friends who sold Young Living so I decided that was the best route to go.   I do no sell Young Living Oils but they will be the ones you read about on my blog the most since I am of the opinion that if I have found a brand I trust why would I continue looking elsewhere?   If you are interested in purchasing Young Living Oils and don't have a friend selling them let me know, I'm sure my friend will be happy to help you.   Any link's I include in the future will be to her Young Living page since I do believe in the power of supporting each other in direct sales endeavors.  (If you are interested in ordering oils today here is a link to my friend Kelly's Young Living site.  If you want to get to know Kelly first you can check out her blog Momumental Love )

2-If you don't like the oil, don't use it.
Just because lavender is supposed to be relaxing doesn't mean it has that effect for everyone.  So why subject yourself to a scent you don't enjoy?  There are a ton of oils that work for relaxation, if the first one doesn't work for you try a different one.

3-Carrier oils are necessary for topical application of many oils but not all.
This one I'm a little less clear on but some of the bottles say that the oil is safe for undiluted/neat topical application while others require a 1:1, 2:1, or even 4:1 dilution ratio.  I figure since the labels are different for every oil there must be some sort of science behind it.  Off to learn more!

As I continue to research and learn more I plan on sharing the tips and tricks and specific oil recommendations here.  I've already come up with a giant list of questions to start researching and a handful to ask my doula during our first prenatal visit.  Are there any questions you would like me to make sure I get the answers to? 

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