Saturday, June 3, 2017

Restorative Reproductive Medicine

Have you heard of restorative reproductive medicine?

I hadn't really heard of it until today...I knew about the Creighton method but I didn't realize how comprehensive it was until I listened to a podcast today from Beat Infertility.  The podcast was from last November but it was still super relevant to my life.   Now I'm researching RRM, what it is, and practitioners in my area.  I'm super excited about this.  It sounds more like what I really want from my healthcare.

Yes my end goal is to have happy healthy babies, however at current I really feel like I am more at a point where I just want to be healthy.   I don't like that my body doesn't work properly.   I don't like that I never know when my period is going to start.  I just want my body to work properly.

I feel like my reproductive endocrinologist wants to help me achieve my end goal, however I'm not sure that the military medical system allows me to receive the treatment I really need to make my body healthy.  It feels like they have the same end goal as me (make a baby) but their way of getting there (shut off my natural hormones and replace them with drugs) isn't going to fix the underlying issues causing my problems long term.

I don't want to have to go back on birth control after we have a baby in order to have a predictable body.    I am so sick of my uterus creating stupid polyps and fibroids and having to have DNC's to clear them out.   I just want my body to be able to do what it is supposed to do naturally and it seems like consulting with a RRM practitioner may be my answer.

Has anyone else ever had experience with restorative reproductive medicine???

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PCS Updates

 Wow I can't believe it's been almost 3 months! SO much has happened and I honestly feel like I've barely had a chance to breath...