Thursday, August 27, 2020

We have a walker!

 Last week Little Dude's daycare had "back to school night".  Since the center is attached to a K-12 private school this wasn't such a strange thing and I really was glad to have the opportunity to see his teachers and get a better view of his classroom etc. since I haven't been able to go past the entryway of the building since his first day in the center thanks to the COVID-19 restrictions.  

I will talk more about the way his daycare/center is dealing with COVID-19 since I have been very impressed in general but right now I just want to share the exciting news, we have a walker!

At back to school night Little Dude apparently decided he wanted to show off in front of Mommy and his teachers at the same time and took off walking all around his classroom.  You could tell by the shocked reaction from his teachers it was the first time they had seen him take a step, he had taken 1-2 steps at home chasing the dogs but nothing really exciting and he would immediately would fall on his bottom, but that night he was all over the place taking 5-10 steps at a time and didn't fall at all.

After his first hurrah it was a few days before he really walked again but now I feel confident saying we have a full scale walker!!!  It's amazing how exciting the little stuff is when you're a parent.  Now send help because I'm sure we aren't properly baby proofed for this! 

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PCS Updates

 Wow I can't believe it's been almost 3 months! SO much has happened and I honestly feel like I've barely had a chance to breath...