Saturday, June 6, 2020

Real Talk

So I was under the crazy idea that once I had our Little Dude that I would get back into the blogging habit because I would have something interesting to talk about...
What I failed to consider is that I wouldn't have time to sit down for five minutes to write it all down.
Then I thought I would get back into it when my husband left on deployment, but out of an abundance of caution I didn't want to talk about my husband being deployed while I was home alone with little dude.  (He's still gone, but will be home soon)
Then I thought I would complete the Home Organization Challenge with A Bowl Full of Lemons this year and blog about that...but less than 1/2 way through (and only 1 blog post in) I had to go home to Kentucky to help my mom because she was having surgery.
After about 6 weeks going back and forth between Kentucky and Virginia with an infant and working remotely while I was at my moms I made it back to Virginia full time just in time to work a full week in my office before we started shutting down and sending people home to work remotely due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Now after 70+days at home Little Dude will be returning to daycare (a new daycare, but more on that later) on Monday while I remain working from home.
Sending Little Dude back to daycare wasn't a decision I reached lightly.  COVID-19 is still a very real virus and the new mutation that hits small children so hard is very scary.  Also Little Dude was on a ventilator in the NICU for a few hours when he was first born so I do have concerns about potential respiratory problems.  However I had to weigh those risks against what was necessary for my sanity and our combined health.
The daycare Little Dude will be attending is very clean and taking precautions also I feel confident that the health system in our area has taken the necessary steps to be able to properly care for patients even if there is a second spike.
On the flip side it is almost impossible to be productive all day with a 10 month old requiring constant care.   Little Dude is crawling and climbing and constantly discovering new things.  Every day it is something different and I can't imagine how much harder it is going to get as he gets more and more mobil and more and more curious.
In the end my friend Sara and I have developed a shared mantra when it comes to the pandemic and parenting - we are living in a world with no right answers and very few wrong ones, a world full of grey and it is harder than ever to know what the right choice for your family and your kids is.  We are all doing the best we can, but dammit we are doing it. 
So to all the other mom's out there - you're doing great.

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PCS Updates

 Wow I can't believe it's been almost 3 months! SO much has happened and I honestly feel like I've barely had a chance to breath...