Monday, July 16, 2018

I am a SPARTAN!!!! Aroo Aroo Aroo

Well I survived.  It wasn't pretty, and it was way too damn hot, but I struggled through and I made it.  My final time was 3:05 and change, which given the heat I am ok with.  Today I am significantly more sore than I was yesterday but most of the pain is more stiffness than anything else.
I survived the barbed wire, but the rocks we were crawling/rolling over tore my knees up so I have some beautiful cuts and bruises from that, but no cuts from the actual barbed wire, which is a bit disappointing.

Now to decide how I feel about the idea of putting myself through this torture every again....

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PCS Updates

 Wow I can't believe it's been almost 3 months! SO much has happened and I honestly feel like I've barely had a chance to breath...