Monday, April 8, 2019

5 things no one told me about being pregnant (so far)

1-How much toilet paper you need to buy. 
   Yeah, everyone knows you pee all the time when you are pregnant but I didn't really translate this into extra toilet paper needs...It feels like I have to change a roll every day now (I don't I did the math, but we are going through about 1 1/2 times as much as normal)

2-What a waste of time most doctors appointments are
    I'm glad that everything is good with baby boy and my appointments have been routine so far but they take less than 10 minutes every visit.  Weight, pulse, blood pressure, temperature, check baby's heart rate, see you in 6 weeks...I thought there would at least be some poking and prodding of my belly or something.

3-How much I would miss Sudafed
    I don't take Sudafed daily or anything but I do have some seasonal allergies, when you combine those with the nasal passage swelling that is normal during pregnancy (yeah, no one told me about that either) I just wanted drugs...I'm about 85% crunchy granola but I don't mess around when it comes to being able to breath so not taking all the drugs because I knew overloading my system would be bad for baby was really hard.

4-That I would be starving!!
    Basically since the nausea of my first trimester passed I have wanted all the food.  I'm assuming this will end at some point as baby grows and there is less room for food in my tummy but for now I'm enjoying it.  My calorie consumption might not be at the "eating for two" level but I'm certainly eating a substantial amount more than I normally do.  Hubby thinks it's hilarious.

5-That my feet would grow
    About two years ago I had a bad case of planters fasciitis and realized I had been wearing shoes about 1/2 a size too small for my entire adult life.  As a result I got rid of most of my shoes and have only really bought a few pair, all that are as comfortable as possible to keep the pain at bay.  No one told me my feet would grow when I was pregnant.  Almost all of my tennis shoes have started to get tight and my dress shoes are out of the picture.  I knew having a baby was expensive and I was prepared to buy a maternity wardrobe but no one told me to include new shoes in the budget!

What are some things that surprised you about pregnancy?

1 comment:

Kelly said...

All great points! Sadly 19 months later and my feet are still 2 sizes bigger than my pre-pregnancy feet. At least you’ll get future use out of them!

PCS Updates

 Wow I can't believe it's been almost 3 months! SO much has happened and I honestly feel like I've barely had a chance to breath...