Sunday, February 27, 2011


This week is going to be one full of anticipation. Adam and I are going to do our best though to keep it relaxing and low key.
Friday night we came up to my moms with the pups. We are having a nice visit. Saturday night we drove up to Louisville and went to see Jesus Christ Superstar with Adams mom, sister, and my mom. It was a good show, but made for two late nights in a row. We got back to my moms around 1am. This morning we went to church with my mom, took long naps, and I helped my mom clean out my old room. We now have 9 boxes of yardsale stuff ranging from baby clothes to adult clothes mcdonalds toys to porcelain dolls. My mom still had a ton of crap left of hers to sort through that has piled up over the past 8 years since I graduated HS :)
Tuesday we will head to Louisville Thursday is my friend Wendy's wedding rehearsal, Friday I get to go be girly and get pampered, Saturday is the wedding :). Sunday we might go to church then Adam is staying in Louisville and I'm heading back to GA. He will be staying in Lou until time for RTC. I'm hoping the wedding stuff will keep the normal pre-separation fighting to a minimum. Wish me luck!
I apologize if I'm a but MIA this wee!

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PCS Updates

 Wow I can't believe it's been almost 3 months! SO much has happened and I honestly feel like I've barely had a chance to breath...